The Webster Technique

The Webster technique allows us to care for women from pre-conception through pregnancy and postpartum.

Webster’s Technique
The Webster technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment that reduces interference to the nervous system, balances out pelvic muscles and ligaments which in turn removes torsion to the uterus, reducing the potential for intrauterine constraint allowing for conditions for baby to get into the best possible position for birth.


Dr. Larry Webster developed the Webster Technique in response to his daughter Lucinda’s birth to her daughter, Shannon. Dr. Webster was present at her long and arduous birth and although he adjusted her during the birth, he felt that chiropractic could have a bigger impact with a more specific approach to the pelvis.


“After this personal experience with his daughter’s birth, Dr. Webster strove to develop an adjustment “for laboring women to help with the ease of birth.” He felt that there must be a more specific way of addressing subluxations throughout pregnancy that would contribute to safer, easier births for the mother. When he began to see positive results from his new technique he started teaching it to other chiropractors and it is now a world renowned, safe and reliable method of prenatal chiropractic care.”


Dr. Jarod has had the opportunity to provide chiropractic care for women from pre-conception all the way through pregnancy and postpartum. The goal of prenatal chiropractic care is to give women the opportunity for the labor and delivery they desire by ensuring proper biomechanics of the pelvis and sacrum throughout pregnancy.

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